For the most part, updates are always good. When we update an app, we always update it expecting new features and improvements added in the update. But unfortunately, that's...
Saurik announced today that Corona untether jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 has been updated to version 1.0-5 in Cydia. This update fixes issues with iBooks and...
iForward is another great application available in Cydia. With iFordward you can set up an email account so the email account can receive notification of all...
Want to hide your SMS and iMessages on your iPhone? This can now be done with a tweak from Cydia called LockMessages. The Cydia Tweak LockMessages...
Everybody who uses the App Store knows how annoying it is to enter your Apple's account password every single time you download an app, even if the app is...
You probably have never thought of this: make an application's icon redirect to another application on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. If you...
Have you ever wanted to set a song from your iPhone music library as your ringtone directly from the phone? AnyRing, an app from Cydia, allows you...