The Discover credit card is one of the best credit cards on earth due to its five percent cashback perk. Amazingly, and just right around the upcoming holidays, this five percent cashback will be given to users that make payments through a digital wallet or buy anything from During the promo period, any item that you buy off Amazon will receive a five percent cashback back to your Discover account.
But not so fast, most people that own one of these five percent cash back credit cards know one huge annoyance among these cards: you need to manually activate the five percent cash back bonus each period they are given (each quarter). And depending on the card issuer, you might not be able to activate the 5-percent cashback bonus if you miss the activation period.
Why do you need to activate the five percent bonus?
First, if you own one of these cards one thing you need to understand is that the credit card company loses money every time you claim your five percent cashback bonus. The five percent cashback bonus is a marketing strategy with the purpose of getting you to sign up for their card. Their second strategy is to make you build a habit of only using their card. This is because they get a small percentage from merchants every time you swipe their card.
Basically, they are hoping for you to sign up for their card but miss out on the activation period of the bonuses, a strategy that they call “loss leader.”
Add Discover card to Amazon from Discover app
The easiest way of linking your Discover card with Amazon using by using the Discover mobile app.
- Download the Discover mobile app.
- Login into the app and tap Services at the bottom menu.
- From there select, Manage Cards & Devices.
- Once on that page, below Manage Cards, tap “Add Card” on the right side of the Amazon logo.
- On the new page, tap Add Card once again. You will be redirected to the Amazon app. Just tap Continue.
Your Discover card should now be linked to your Amazon account.
Use Discover cashback Amazon
Using your Discover cashback on Amazon is even easier! To use your Discover cashback on Amazon all you have to do is go buy a product on Amazon as you would normally do. And then:
- Before placing the order click “Change payment method” and choose your Discover card.
- On the Discover card box, select the “Use Discover Cash Back Bonus” option.
- This will use all the cashback you have available. Additionally, you can choose a specific amount of cashback to use.